Have you ever wondered how to grow plumeria flowers or interested in learning how to grow your own at home? In this article ill give you an in-depth guide on my favourite tropical flower, plumeria!
I’m sure I can just fill this post with plumeria flower photos and you’ll be happy, but I digress. Just look at the colors below; ill give you a second to embrace the beauty of the plumeria flower, my latest flower obsession.
So why are plumerias so special? Besides their beauty, if you havent realized yet, plumerias are the traditional flower used in Hawaiian leis. Aloh-AH-HA! Contrary to popular belief, plumerias are grown only as ornamental flowers in Hawaii, and are not found in the wild. Plumeria is grown on trees that can grow 25ft to 30ft high. They are also known by another name, Frangipani.

Plumeria Care
As with most flowering plants and trees, you will want to apply a plumeria fertilizer that is very high in phosphorous. This means a fertilizer with a high second NPK number: 10-30-30. Apply the fertilizer every 3 weeks during the growing season – this will stimulate bloom and increase flowering on your plumerias. Plumeria flowers will bloom during the spring and summer months.
During the summer months, watering will be required on a more frequent basis. When your plumeria is rooting, only water once soil is completely dry. Overwatering will kill the rooting process.
The best time to prune a plumeria tree is in early spring. Feel free to be aggressive with your pruning as the plant can withstand it. Your pruned branches can be used to start new cuttings which can be grown as a new plant.
How To Plant Plumeria By Seed

This does not mean that growing by seed is wrong or bad practice, but simply information for you to understand what you are getting, which may be a surprise! Growing by seedlings will take approximately 3 years before the first flowers will develop.
Step 1: Find plumeria seeds for sale at your local gardening center or buy seeds online. If you have a gardening friend that has some for trade, even better!
Step 2: Fill a pot with soil that is well draining and contains plenty of perlite. The ratio you need is approximately 1/3 potting soil and 2/3 perlite. This will ensure proper drainage and prevent root rot.
Step 3: Place the plumeria seed in the soil with the wing tip sticking up from the soil. Typically it will look like half of the seed is in soil while the other half is exposed.
Step 4: Saturate the soil with water but do not over-water or too often. Re-saturate when the soil is becoming dry. Place the plumeria seeds in a well lit area with 1/2 day to full day sun. The seeds will germinate in 14-21 days..
If you are trying to aim for a certain flower color, your best chances getting your color of choice can usually be determined by the parent tree, but not in all cases. Pink and multi-colored seedlings can provide a variety of colors. This method is for those who like to live dangerously.
Parent Flower Color | Seedling Flower Color |
White | White |
Red | Red |
Yellow | Yellow |
Pink | Random variety of color |
Multi-colored | Random variety of color |
How To Plant Plumeria By Propagating Cuttings
Generally, the standard way of growing plumeria is by cuttings. If you’re fortunate enough to be able to get your hands on plumeria cuttings, then this is the option for you. Using this method will ensure that it will be true to the parent plant, it will have the same flower color and characteristics as the original. Plumeria flowers will bloom in 1 year after planting via a cutting.
Step 1: Ensure you have a large pot, preferably a 1 gallon or 4 liter pot. Fill the pot with a mixture of 1/3 potting soil and 2/3 perlite for drainage.
Step 2: Prep your plumeria cutting by ensuring it is 1-2 ft in length. Apply a rooting horomone to the bottom of the cutting – this will stimulate the plant into growing strong roots. My success rate has gone way up since using it.
Step 3: Place the plumeria cutting in soil 3 inches deep and water the soil until its saturated. Water approximately once a week, or when the soil is dry. Do not overwater. Place in a sunny location and enjoy watching your plumeria grow!
I hope you all enjoyed this post on plumeria care and learning how to grow plumeria! If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me on Facebook or post a comment below!