The Tecoma Sparky is a hybrid plant that was created in 2012 by professors at Arizona State University. It is a variation of the Tecoma plant that is mainly a yellow flower with a red-orange center. This plant was even named after the Arizona State Mascot also known as “Sparky”.

As with other Tecoma Stan’s the Tecoma Sparky is found in the southern regions of the United States, mainly in Arizona, Texas and Florida. These plants are also native to regions of Mexico and as far south as Argentina. This is because Tecoma variations prefer dryer, hot climates. The Tecoma Sparky can be seen growing in the wild mainly in Arizona at this time, because of how warm it stays year round.
Tecoma Sparky’s can range in height anywhere from 3’ to 6’, and usually are about 4’ to 5’ wide. That being said these shrubs will take up a large area in your garden, and are better off when given space to grow. The yellow bell shaped flowers will grow in clusters, and can be anywhere from 3” to 5” long. These flowers do not produce many seeds if any at all, but they will attract a variety of different animals and insects. Hummingbirds, bees, and butterflies will constantly visit your Tecoma Sparky’s during the seasons which the plant is in full bloom.
Tecoma’s Yellow Bells
People will often times refer to Tecoma Stan’s or Tecoma Sparky’s as Yellow Bells. This is because of the color and shape of the Tecoma Sparky’s flowers. They are normally bright yellow, and bell or trumpet shaped. These beautiful bell shaped flowers are what gives the plants its elegant looks and they are the reason Tecoma Sparky’s are becoming such popular plants.
How to Care of Tecoma ‘Sparky’
- Soil and WateringYellow Bells are native to warmer dry environment, so it is important to mimic this when growing them inside or outside in your garden. Yellow Bells will grow best in sandy or loamy soils. They need soil that drains well so the roots do not get over saturated. You need to water your Yellow Bell about every 10 days during the growing season, which is during the late spring through early fall. Whenever you water them make sure the soil is very saturated. It is recommended to just keep the hose going at the base of the plant until the soil is damp about 12 inches deep.
- FertilizerYellow Bells also need some food, or in this case fertilizer, to stay healthy. We recommend mixing about 1 tablespoon of fertilizer with 1 gallon of water and spreading it evenly at the base of the plant. Yellow Bells can use any all-purpose plant fertilizer that you have on hand. They should be fed every four to six weeks during the growing season in order to maintain proper nutrient levels.
- PruningYellow Bells can get very large and out of hand if they are not taken care of properly. These plants require pruning once a year. Yellow Bells need to be pruned every spring, or after the last frost in your area. Dead, low hanging and frost damaged braches should all be removed to keep your Yellow Bell plants looking great. This can be done with either pruning shears, or a saw depending on how thick the branches of your plant have become. You can also trim your Yellow Bell bush to shape it how you want. Some people will cut their Yellow Bells all the way down to soil level. The stumps will stay that way for a bit, but will eventually grow back and you will have yourself a completely different looking bush year after year.
Problems with Tecoma Sparky “Yellow Bells”
Yellow Bells may look harmless, but they do carry some toxins. All parts of the plants are toxic to humans and should never be consumer under any circumstances. It is important to keep your children and pets away from your Yellow Bells to ensure their safety.